Sunday, June 5, 2011



That's right - we did what hasn't been done in over two decades (since 1988!) at St. Anne's by a 1st men's crew: we bumped every day of Summer VIIIs, which thus gives us blades!!  We get to order customized trophy oars with our names/weights on it, to memoralize the moment forever!

Day 1: Bumped Christ Church II
Day 2: Bumped Queen's
Day 3: Bumped Lady Margaret Hall
Day 4: Bumped Jesus

We also made all of these bumps in absolutely record time, in about the first 500m of the 1700m course.  In other words, we were much, much faster than all of the above crews and it showed!

The blades bump!  Look at the power-up right when we bump.. and then listen for the ROAR at the end from my crew as we realize we've won blades!

Another view of our final bump... play until the very end where you see the Jesus cox put up her hand to concede to us!

Here we come Jesus!  Jesus in the foreground, running from us on the last day!

Here we come, Jesus!


I was stroke seat for the celebratory row in

Champagne upon landing!

In I go!

Already been thrown in, as you can tell

Love this team

Another view of the crowd!
Right as we land.. all of those people were cheering for us!
Our boathouse, celebrating the arrival of a victorious M1!
Thrown in the river!

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